Tracy Eng joined Business Leasing Associates, Inc., in 2014 as the Vice President overseeing Accounting.
After attending Virginia Tech, Tracy has spent most of her career working in finance and accounting. She has a thing for numbers, and her attention to detail has improved BLA’s efficiency. She manages lender funds, client payments, and the company’s financials.
Tracy first worked with BLA when Charlie contemplated transitioning the business to another finance company. When his two partners retired and the transition plan didn't happen, Charlie asked Tracy to join BLA as a partner.
BLA’s philosophy of supporting local small business owners in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC especially appeals to Tracy. She grew up in Woodbridge, Virginia, where her family still makes its home. Tracy has two grown children, a daughter working on a Masters Program at Missouri State University and a son in his third year at Virginia Tech.
Tracy also works part time with Capital Property Resources, where she’s handled the accounting since 2009. The daily variety of working with different types of clients in her two jobs keeps her on her toes!
Not one to sit around, Tracy spends free time with her husband and children out on the water, watching Caps hockey games, and traveling. When not vacationing to the Bahamas or Virgin Islands, Tracy and her husband tour wineries, breweries, and distilleries. She also enjoys playing soccer with friends.